Tokyo, Japan – August 24, 2024 – Japan’s Foreign Minister, Yoko Kamikawa, met with her Togolese counterpart, Professor Robert Dussey, to discuss strengthening bilateral relations and enhancing regional connectivity in West Africa.
Minister Kamikawa praised Togo’s role in promoting peace and stability in the region through its mediation efforts within ECOWAS and the Sahel Alliance. She also commended Minister Dussey’s recent lecture at Sophia University, which shed light on the challenges and opportunities for peacebuilding in the Sahel.
Japan expressed its interest in supporting Togo’s development as a regional logistics and transportation hub. Minister Dussey welcomed this offer and encouraged Japanese businesses to explore investment opportunities in his country.
Both ministers affirmed their commitment to deepening Japan-Togo relations ahead of the upcoming TICAD 9 conference.