Tokyo, Japan – August 24, 2024 – Japan’s Foreign Minister, Yoko Kamikawa, met with her Zimbabwean counterpart, Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava, to discuss bilateral relations and regional cooperation.
Minister Kamikawa congratulated Zimbabwe on assuming the chairmanship of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and expressed Japan’s commitment to supporting the region’s development. She announced that Japan would provide 5,800 tons of fertilizer and implement a food aid program to address Zimbabwe’s severe food insecurity.
Minister Shava expressed gratitude for Japan’s assistance and outlined Zimbabwe’s priorities as SADC chair.
Japan and Zimbabwe also discussed ways to strengthen economic cooperation, particularly in the agricultural sector. Minister Kamikawa encouraged Zimbabwe to participate in the Osaka-Kansai Expo and expressed interest in securing a stable supply of petalite from the country.
The two ministers agreed to further deepen bilateral relations and explore opportunities for cooperation ahead of the upcoming TICAD 9 conference.