Tokyo, Japan – August 24, 2024 – Japan’s Foreign Minister, Yoko Kamikawa, met with her Comorian counterpart, Mohamed Mbae, to discuss bilateral relations and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.
Minister Kamikawa expressed gratitude for Comoros’ leadership as the African Union Chair at last year’s G7 Hiroshima Summit and commended the successful inclusion of the African Union in the G20. She also emphasized Japan’s commitment to strengthening cooperation with Comoros both bilaterally and internationally.
Minister Mbae expressed his expectations for further developing the favorable bilateral relations between the two countries and thanked Japan for its support.
The two ministers reaffirmed their commitment to working together to promote a free and open maritime order based on the rule of law. They also agreed to further develop Japan-Comoros relations ahead of the upcoming TICAD 9 conference.